Community Sports

Two groups are using the Fellowship Hall for sports — you might use it also!

Group One, mostly men : Reino Huttala’s group plays competitive ping pong or pickleball on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM. (Competitive means that they keep score and play to win!) Currently they have as many players as they can accommodate, but you could call Reino to get on a waiting list for new players. Or, Reino would be happy to show you around, if you were thinking of forming your own group. 541-521-5270.

Group Two, mostly women: The Deerhorn Pickleball group welcomes everyone to play indoor pickleball in the Fellowship Hall, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 9-10:30 am. There are extra paddles you can borrow. For questions, contact Ellen Johnson, 541-731-3367.

These groups ask players for donations each day that they play, which help with the upkeep of the church. You don’t need to be associated with the church to attend.