We are a small country church in Walterville, Oregon – located 11 miles East of Springfield on Highway 126. 88393 Walterville Loop. We meet on Sunday Mornings at 10:30 AM, followed by a fellowship hour with coffee and snacks. All are welcome.
Pastoral staff: Karen Keady, Commissioned Ruling Elder
Session Moderator: Reverend Maggie Lewis
We are led in worship by various people, both ordained clergy and occasionally by lay leaders.
Please join us either in person, or on Facebook.
Please feel free to inquire and send us any questions!
Email: mckenzievalleypresoffice@gmail.com
Phone Number: (541) 747-2604 or (541) 914-1986 (leave a message)
You may send us earthmail at P.O. Box 88, Walterville, Oregon 97489 (we have no mailbox at the street address.)