Calendar of Events
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S Sat
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Parish Nurse Installation
Parish Nurse Installation
Installing Mary Alice Ernst as parish nurse for McKenzie Valley Presbyterian Church. Occurs during the regular worship service.
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Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
The service will be held so that people can come and go as they need. There will be a a series of tables that people can visit and reflect and pray at for as long as they like. The last stop will be on the chancel for a blessing and ashes from Pastor Karen. The…
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Bible Study
Bible Study
Sara Stanley will be leading our Lenten Bible study. It starts March 9th and continues through Palm Sunday, April 13. We will study the sermon on the Mount, starting with the Beatitudes.
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St. Patrick’s Dinner
St. Patrick’s Dinner
Come visit with your neighbors over a corned beef dinner with all the fixin's. Suggested donation, $10 per person. A light heart lives longest, so the Irish say…so we’re having a party to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! Come join your neighbors in this long-standing McKenzie Valley tradition!
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Celebrating Gifts of Women
Celebrating Gifts of Women
A special service of thanksgiving for past and future women who serve God in all times and places. We’ll be collecting women’s healthcare products for donation to women’s and girls’ shelters in our area.