Easter and Lent events

Ash Wednesday, March 5, 4:30-6pm

You’ve heard it said that we are dust. Well, God makes beautiful things from dust! Drop in at the church between 4:30 and 6 p.m. and spend a little or a lot of quiet time (you choose — the time is unstructured) at four tables that invite you to reflect and pray about your walk through life with Jesus. End your time with a blessing and ashes. This worship is family friendly.

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the season leading up to Easter. We are always pleased to welcome visitors.

Ash Wednesday is a Christian holy day of prayer and fasting. It derives its name from the placing of repentance ashes on the foreheads of participants.The ashes are prepared by burning palm leaves from the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebrations.

Lenten Bible Study – Sara Stanley will be leading our Lenten Bible study. It starts March 9th and continues through Palm Sunday, April 13. We will study the sermon on the Mount, starting with the Beatitudes. 9:30-10:15 am Sundays.

March 30: Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday
A special service of thanksgiving for past and future women who serve God in all times and places. We’ll be collecting women’s healthcare products for donation to women’s and girls’ shelters in our area.

April 6: Egg-celent potluck after worship  – Please join us for an egg-celent potluck. What makes it egg-celent!? Well, your favorite egg dish, of course! It will be an egg-citing potluck full of egg-stravagance and egg-ceptional dishes. 

Palm Sunday, April 13, 10:30 am — Come wave palms as, young and old, we enter the sanctuary together in song. Hosanna! We will be collecting One Great Hour of Sharing Offerings and Fish Boxes.

Good Friday, April 18, 4:30 p.m.
We’ll begin with an optional foot washing ritual (a simple act of pouring water over another’s feet and wiping them off with a towel). If you wish to participate, individual towels will be provided or bring your own. This will be followed by a Tenebrae service of readings and communion as, one by one, the candles are extinguished and the lights go down. The church will remain in darkness until Easter morning. 

Easter, April 20, 10:30 am. – Lights, Colors, Resurrection! Come celebrate with us: Jesus Christ is risen! We will also be celebrating the baptism of Jacqueline Gunter during worship. Do you have flowers in your garden? We’ll be filling our empty cross with beautiful blooms! Invite friends and family to come celebrate the joy with us!